Industrial Plua plav collector

  • JC-Y Industrial Roj Mist Purifier

    JC-Y Industrial Roj Mist Purifier

    Muaj roj pos huab purifier yog ib qho khoom siv tiv thaiv ib puag ncig tsim rau cov roj pos huab, pa luam yeeb thiab lwm yam khoom siv phom sij tsim tawm hauv kev tsim khoom. Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv mechanical processing, metal manufacturing, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, thiab muaj peev xwm sau tau zoo thiab purify roj pos huab, txhim kho qhov chaw ua hauj lwm, tiv thaiv cov neeg ua hauj lwm noj qab haus huv, thiab txo nqi ntau lawm.

  • JC-SCY Txhua-hauv-ib Cartridge Dust Collector

    JC-SCY Txhua-hauv-ib Cartridge Dust Collector

    Kev sib xyaw ua ke ntawm cov khoom siv plua plav plua plav yog cov cuab yeej siv tau zoo thiab cov khoom siv tshem tawm cov plua plav uas sib xyaw ua ke ntawm cov kiv cua, lim tsev thiab ntxuav chav rau hauv cov qauv ntsug, nrog cov hneev taw me me thiab yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm. Hom plua plav collector no feem ntau yog siv ib lub khawm pib thiab nres ua haujlwm, uas yooj yim thiab yooj yim to taub thiab haum rau fume purification thiab tswj xws li vuam, sib tsoo, thiab txiav. Nws cov lim cartridge tau nruab nrog lub cev pob txha, nrog kev ua haujlwm zoo sealing, ntev lim cartridge kev pab cuam lub neej, thiab yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm. Lub thawv tsim tsom rau huab cua nruj, thiab lub qhov rooj tshuaj xyuas siv cov khoom sib khi zoo heev nrog cov cua tsis tshua muaj pa, ua kom cov plua plav tshem tawm tau zoo. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub inlet thiab qhov hluav taws xob cua ducts ntawm lub integrated cartridge plua plav collector yog compactly teem nrog tsawg airflow kuj, uas ntxiv txhim khu nws kev khiav hauj lwm efficiency. Cov khoom siv plua plav no tau dhau los ua qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev tswj cov plua plav hauv kev ua hlau thiab lwm yam kev lag luam nrog nws cov lim dej ua haujlwm zoo, kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov thiab kev saib xyuas yooj yim.

  • JC-BG Phab ntsa-mounted Dust Collector

    JC-BG Phab ntsa-mounted Dust Collector

    Phab ntsa-mounted plua plav collector yog cov khoom siv tshem tawm cov plua plav zoo uas tau muab tso rau ntawm phab ntsa. Nws yog haum rau nws compact tsim thiab haib suction zog. Hom plua plav no feem ntau yog nruab nrog HEPA lim uas tuaj yeem ntes cov plua plav zoo thiab cov khoom ua xua kom cov cua hauv tsev huv si. Cov phab ntsa-mounted tsim tsis tsuas yog txuag qhov chaw, tab sis kuj sib xyaw nrog cov kho kom zoo nkauj sab hauv yam tsis saib obtrusive. Lawv yooj yim rau nruab thiab tswj, thiab cov neeg siv tsuas yog yuav tsum tau hloov lub lim thiab ntxuav lub thawv plua plav tsis tu ncua. Tsis tas li ntawd, qee cov qauv high-end kuj muaj cov yam ntxwv ntse xws li kev hloov pauv tsis siv neeg nqus lub zog thiab cov chaw taws teeb tswj, ua rau nws yooj yim dua rau kev siv. Txawm hais tias nws yog lub tsev lossis chaw ua haujlwm, phab ntsa-mounted plua plav collector yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws los txhim kho huab cua zoo.

  • JC-XZ Mobile Welding Smoke Dust Collector

    JC-XZ Mobile Welding Smoke Dust Collector

    Txawb welding fume collector yog ib qho khoom siv zoo ib puag ncig tsim los rau kev ua haujlwm vuam, uas yog tsim los kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo thiab lim cov pa phem thiab cov teeb meem uas tshwm sim thaum vuam. Cov cuab yeej no feem ntau yog nruab nrog lub tshuab ua kom pom kev ua haujlwm siab uas tuaj yeem ntes cov pa phem me me, txo qis kev puas tsuaj rau cov neeg ua haujlwm kev noj qab haus huv thiab muaj kuab paug rau qhov chaw ua haujlwm. Vim nws lub xov tooj ntawm tes tsim, nws tuaj yeem hloov tau yooj yim raws li qhov xav tau ntawm kev ua haujlwm vuam thiab tsim nyog rau ntau qhov chaw vuam, txawm tias nws yog lub Hoobkas Rhiav lossis qhov chaw tsim kho sab nraum zoov.

  • JC-JYC skeleton sab nraud suction caj npab

    JC-JYC skeleton sab nraud suction caj npab

    Cov Khoom Siv Lub Npe: JC-JYC skeleton sab nraud suction caj npab Cov khoom siv ntev: 2m, 3m, 4m Cov khoom siv txoj kab uas hla: Φ150mm Φ160mm Φ200mm (lwm yam tshwj xeeb yuav tsum tau kho). Cov khoom siv ntawm cov yeeb nkab sab nraud: Imported PVC steel hlau cua duct, corrosion-resistant, acid thiab alkali resistant, kub resistant rau 140 ℃. Nco tseg: Peb tau cog lus rau kev hloov kho cov khoom tas mus li thiab tuaj yeem muab ntau hom kev nqus caj npab raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv khoom.
  • JC-JYB phab ntsa mounted saj zawg zog suction caj npab

    JC-JYB phab ntsa mounted saj zawg zog suction caj npab

    Cov Khoom Siv Lub Npe: JC-JYB phab ntsa mounted saj zawg zog suction caj npab Connection txoj kev: tsau bracket kev twb kev txuas (sau los ntawm elastic roj hmab nplhaib) Npog daim ntawv: conical suction (A), horseshoe suction (L), phaj suction (T), sab saum toj lub kaus mom suction ( H) Lwm cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub qhov ncauj qhov ntswg tuaj yeem hloov kho. Hood nruab nrog cua ntim tswj valve Cov khoom siv ntev: 2m, 3m, 4m (ntxiv caj npab yuav tsum tau rau 4m thiab siab dua, nrog rau qhov ntev txog li 10m) Cov khoom siv txoj kab uas hla: Φ150mm Φ160mm Φ200mm (lwm yam specifications ne...
  • Lub hnab lim rau plua plav collector

    Lub hnab lim rau plua plav collector

    Cov khoom tseem ceeb 1.Strong hnav tsis kam: Polyester hnab ntaub muaj kev hnav zoo heev, tuaj yeem tiv taus lub zog tensile thiab kev sib txhuam, thiab tsis yooj yim hnav lossis puas. 2.Qhov zoo corrosion kuj: Polyester hnab ntaub tuaj yeem tiv taus qhov yaig ntawm corrosive yam xws li acid, alkali, thiab roj, thiab tuaj yeem tswj tau lub neej ua haujlwm ntev. 3.High tensile lub zog: Polyester hnab muaj lub zog tensile siab, tuaj yeem tiv taus qhov hnyav thiab siab, thiab tsis yooj yim deformed ...
  • Cartridge lim rau plua plav collector

    Cartridge lim rau plua plav collector

    Qhov tshwj xeeb concave quav qauv tsim kom ntseeg tau 100% zoo pom thaj chaw thiab kev ua haujlwm siab tshaj plaws. Muaj zog durability, siv advanced txawv teb chaws technology los npaj tshwj xeeb lim cartridge nplaum rau kev sib txuas. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws fold spacing ua kom pom kev pom zoo thoob plaws tag nrho cheeb tsam pom, txo cov ntsiab lus lim siab sib txawv, ua kom cov cua ntws nyob hauv chav tshuaj tsuag, thiab ua kom huv si ntawm chav hmoov. Lub folding sab saum toj muaj qhov hloov pauv, uas ua rau kom qhov chaw pom tau zoo, ua kom pom kev ua tau zoo, thiab ua rau lub neej ntev. Cov nplua nuj nyob hauv elasticity, tsis tshua muaj hardness, ib lub nplhaib sealing nplhaib.

  • Downdraft rooj

    Downdraft rooj

    Nws yog tsim rau ntau yam vuam, polishing, polishing, plasma txiav thiab lwm yam txheej txheem. Cov khoom no tau txais kev pom zoo thoob ntiaj teb, nrog kev pom zoo ntawm 99.9% rau vuam, txiav, thiab polishing pa luam yeeb thiab plua plav, thaum ua kom muaj huab cua txaus siab heev.

  • JC-NX welding pa luam yeeb purifier

    JC-NX welding pa luam yeeb purifier

    JC-NX mobile welding pa luam yeeb thiab plua plav purifier yog tsim rau purifying pa luam yeeb thiab plua plav tsim thaum lub sij hawm vuam, polishing, txiav, polishing, thiab lwm yam txheej txheem, nrog rau kev rov qab tsis tshua muaj hlau thiab cov khoom muaj nqis. Nws tuaj yeem ua kom huv huv ntau ntawm cov hlau me me uas raug tshem tawm hauv huab cua uas tsim kev puas tsuaj rau tib neeg lub cev, nrog rau kev ua kom huv huv txog li 99.9%.

  • JC-NF siab tsis zoo siab purifier

    JC-NF siab tsis zoo siab purifier

    Lub tshuab nqus tsev pa luam yeeb thiab plua plav purifier, tseem hu ua lub siab tsis zoo pa luam yeeb thiab plua plav purifier, hais txog lub tshuab nqus tsev siab nrog lub siab tsis zoo siab dua 10kPa, uas txawv ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo tib yam. JC-NF-200 siab tsis zoo siab haus luam yeeb thiab plua plav purifier txais ob-theem kev sib cais thiab yog cov khoom siv tshem tawm plua plav tsim tshwj xeeb rau qhuav, tsis muaj roj, thiab tsis muaj corrosion-free vuam cov pa luam yeeb tsim thaum lub sij hawm vuam, txiav, thiab polishing txheej txheem.

  • JC-XPC multi-cartridge plua plav collector (tsis muaj blower thiab lub cev muaj zog)

    JC-XPC multi-cartridge plua plav collector (tsis muaj blower thiab lub cev muaj zog)

    JC-XPC multi-cartridge plua plav collector yog dav siv nyob rau hauv machinery, foundry, metallurgy, tsev ntaub ntawv, tshuaj kev lag luam, tsheb, shipbuilding, khoom tsim thiab lwm yam lag luam nyob rau hauv lub arc vuam, CO2kev tiv thaiv vuam, MAG tiv thaiv vuam, tshwj xeeb vuam, roj vuam thiab txiav cov hlau, stainless hlau, txhuas thiab lwm yam hlau vuam fume purification kev kho mob.

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